The following labs are available for the use of students.
We have a full furnished Art & Craft Lab in which students can make many type of posters, different monuments by waste materials
We have a qualified faculty who gave various assignments to the students to teach them.
We have almost 30 computers in our laboratory which are well connected to internet. We have a T.V. , a LCD projector, a Over Head projector to show the slides of their projects to students, a DVD player, a public addressal system is also present in this lab.
We have a well equipped sports lab containing volley ball, Football, Badminton Rackets ,net, disc, javelin throw, iron ball throw & some equipments of gym are also present in this lab.
We have fully equipped science lab by which students can perform various experiments regarding their practical knowledge & faculty is also well learned to give their practical advancement in their future.
Models of various body organs are present in this lab & other facilities for students are also available.